Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feel it with your heart, man.

So in Science in first grade we are learning the five senses. "We smell with our nose." etc. And Eva was quizzing the kids. She starts with "How do we feel a concert?"

Someone comes up with "We hear it with our ears."

"Good job. You get an M&M."
(I'm not sure how I feel about this, but yes we bribe the kids with candy.)

"Okay, how do we feel El Guernica?"

The textbook answer was, "We see it with our eyes." But sweet little Beti, whose emotional intelligence is higher than her linguistic intelligence, doesn't miss a beat.

"Con el corazón," she says.

With the heart. Eva rolls her eyes, but I am deeply moved, and clutch my hands to my heart in the universal sign for "I am deeply moved. I feel your pain, we are in this together, Beti."

You probably don't want to be my friend once I have kids; there will be lots of stories like this one.


Jane said...

That's why you have family! I want to hear those stories.

With my heart,

Anonymous said...

love it!
PS you will definitely be allowed near my kids Tim.